Augustana University strives to be a place for diverse and talented leaders to grow. To do that, we offer an array of scholarships designed to attract students who will build their communities and make them even better places to live.
Augustana University strives to be a place for diverse and talented leaders to grow. To do that, we offer an array of scholarships designed to attract students who will build their communities and make them even better places to live.
Dr. Lucy Fryxell and Dr. Donald Fryxell taught English at Augustana from the 1950s through the 1980s. Both were master teachers who cared about students and cultivated their potential. Lucy established the Don Fryxell Scholarship in memory of her husband. She desired that the scholarship be awarded to scholars who wish to study the humanities. The Fryxells had a special affinity for literature and the pursuit of an elegant and excellent use of the English language. Therefore, special consideration is given to candidates with an interest in studying English and/or journalism.
Family Tuition Grant
The Parish And College Together (PACT) program is a matching grant program for students from their congregations. Its purpose is to provide financial assistance for students who wish to attend Augustana University.
Augustana University has opened the PACT program requirements and removed all deadline dates for PACT matches. Churches are welcome to submit a PACT Agreement Form to notify us which students will receive a scholarship. All scholarships provided by any church will be matched, up to $500, with no deadline for the PACT form submission or notification.
How PACT Works
Any full-time student that receives a scholarship of any amount from their church is eligible to receive a matching grant up to $500 from Augustana.
Receive the Matching Grant
Any representative from the church may fill out the PACT Agreement Form, listing the names of qualified students who will attend Augustana the next school year, or the student may fill out an Outside Scholarship Report listing the name of the church and the amount of the scholarship. There is no notification deadline to receive the matching grant, although we request that notifications are completed before July 1.
Make Payments
Please make checks payable to Augustana University PACT and mail to:
Office of Financial Aid
Augustana University
2001 S Summit Ave
Sioux Falls, SD 57197
We request that payments are sent by Aug. 1 for fall and full-term payments and by Jan. 1 for spring semester payments.
For more information, please email the Office of Financial Aid or contact by phone at 605.274.5216.
Music Ensemble Scholarship
Music Honors Scholarship
Viking Marching Band Scholarship
For more information on School of Music scholarships, visit